2024 New Mexico Online Branch Programs

Election 2024 in NM: Path Forward for the NM 2025 Legislature, Meredith Machen, AAUW-NM Public Policy Chair, and NM Representative Christine Chandler, November 17, 2024.

The New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women, Jennifer Getz, Executive Director, February 25, 2024.

2023 New Mexico Online Programs

Mandi Torrez, Think New Mexico, November 12, 2023.

The Manhattan Project and women with impact on the project, Dr. Anna Llobet, Los Alamos National Laboratory, September 10, 2023.

Education Reforms for New Mexico, Kristina Fisher, Think New Mexico, February 5, 2023.

2022 New Mexico Online Programs

Modernizing the Legislature,
Meredith Machen, October 30, 2022.

Environmental Issues in Eastern New Mexico, Kayley Shoup, Citizens Caring for the Future, Carlsbad, August 21. 2022.

AAUW-NM Public Policy 2022 NM Legislature 30 Day Session Bill Tracker over Zoom, January 30. 2022.

2021 New Mexico Online Branch Projects

First Born Program over Zoom, Mary Schipper, October 24, 2021.

Maternal Mortality and Morbitity via Zoom featuring Ted Talk by Dr. Monique Rainfeld, August 22, 2021.

Several online branch members were on the staff for virtual Tech Trek NM camp for rising 9th grade girls June 20-25, 2021.

Annual New Mexico Online Branch Meeting via Zoom, April 25, 2021.

Picture a Scientist, NOVA, PBS, April 14, 2021.

AAUW IL Town Hall on Open Membership/Jane Addams (IL) Branch. Panelists: Ruth Sweester, 2005-2009 AAAUW National President; Marti Sladek, ERA speaker & lawyer; Nancy Shoemaker (NC), members grassroots organization OpenUpAAUW, Feb. 24, 2021.

Christine Chandler, NM Representative District 43 presents a legislative preview, January 31, 2021 Zoom meeting.

PBS Codebreaker, the story of Elizabeth Smith Friedman, the groundbreaking cryptanalyst whose painstaking work decoding thousands of messages for the US government would send infamous gangsters to prison and bring down a massive Nazi spy ring in WWII, ]anuary 22, 2021.

Education Panel–the Challenges of Online Teaching Zoom meeting, October 18. 2020.

Women Suffrage in New Mexico Zoom meeting, August 2, 2020.

New Mexico and the Vote PBS Podcasts, Feb. 8 – June 30, 2021.

Several branch members participated on the Tech-Trek-in-a-Box committee providing a virtual camp experience for 2020 NM campers.

Annual New Mexico Online Branch Meeting via Go-to-Meeting, April 26, 2020

How to Raise Gutsy Girls, April TED Talk

100th Anniversary Celebration of the Passing of the 19th Amendment at the Roundhouse February 6, 2020.

Mindset: An Interview with Carol Sweck on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8YXu99oGNg

2019 New Mexico Online Programs

TED Talk There Might Just Be Life on Mars, Penelope Boston, September 2019.

Tech Trek NM 2019 campers in green

Daring to Disagree, Margaret Heffeman Ted Talk, April 27, 2019.

New Mexico Rural Health Care, PBS Independent Lens: The Providers, April 8, 2019.

Awakening in Taos: The Mabel Dodge Lujan Story, PBS, February 28, 2019.

Fight The Wikipedia Gender Gap Webinar with Janeaddams, IL Branch, February 27, 2019.

2018 New Mexico Online Branch Programs

Congressional Candidate Forums on PBS, September & October 2018.

The Majesty of Music and Math, PBS, September 6, 2018.

RBG the movie, September 3, 2018.

TechTrek NM 2018 for 65 girls June 10-16, 2018 was a success. Online members interviewed applicants and served on the camp staff. Thank you to all who donated and encouraged us.
Raton area 2018 campers in red

El Prado and Taos 2018 campers in blue

PBS Great American Read, America’s 100 favorite novels, May 22, 2018

Bombshell–Hedy Lamaar on American Masters, PBS, May 18, 2018

Equal Pay Day Twitter Storm, April 4, 2018

History of Historically Black Colleges, PBS, February 2018

2017 New Mexico Online Branch Programs

Painting Santa Fe, PBS, December 2017

Colorado e-Network webinar by Colorado Fiscal Institute: overview of congressional tax plans, November 21, 2017

American Masters: Edgar Allan Poe–Buried Alive, PBS, October 30, 2017

Online members wrote letters to New Mexico Secretary of Education opposing the proposed NM Updated PED Science Standards, October 2017.

Tech Trek 2017 for 60 girls at New Mexico Tech June 19-24 was a huge success! Online members served on the steering committee and selection committee. Thank you to everyone who participated on task groups and encouraged us.

Deeper in Debt: Women & Student Loans Research Report Launch, May 24, 2017

Online book discussion of Sisters In Law by Linda Hirshman, March 28, 2017.

Members participated on weekly Lobby Corps conference calls during the final 3 weeks of the 2017 NM Legislative Session ending March 18 following 15 House Bills and 7 Senate Bills (see blog on blog page for more details).

2016 New Mexico Online Branch Programs

CNN Films: “We Will Rise: Michelle Obama’s Mission to Educate Girls Around the World” CNN October 12 at 9 pm ET.

Online book discussion of The Ones I Bring with Me/Los Que Llevo Conmigo with Carol Spaulding-Kruse and Kelsey Lepperd authors, September 28, 2016.

Online book discussion of Soldier Girls: The Battles of the Women at Home and at War with author Helen Thorpe set up by Colorado e-network July 28, 2016

Online Branch members are following Charter School discussions at LESC hearings.

Tech Trek 2016 at New Mexico Tech June 19-25 for 60 girls was a huge success! Online members served on the Steering Committee, financial donations, reading essays, serving on selection committee, providing staff, and contacting potential staff. A big thanks to all who helped in any way, including encouraging our efforts!

Barriers and Bias: Status of Women in Leadership Live Stream March 30, 2016

Lobby Corps Training, Placitas Library, January 10, 2016
Senator Rue, Transparency and Open Government, and Representative Miera, Public Safety.

2015 New Mexico Online Branch Programs

The Hunting Ground documentary on CNN November 22, 2015

Catherine Lhamon, Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights at the Department of Education, Title IX Video, November 2015
AAUW-NM initiatives for the next couple years which was presented involves working with our local school districts to access their implementation of Title IX. Every branch of AAUW is encouraged to contact the schools in their respective districts to determine the person responsible for Title IX and to discuss how their schools are complying with the many facets of this law.

Tech Trek 2015 for 48 girls took place at New Mexico Highlands University. Online Branch members served on the Steering Committee, financial donations, conducted interviews, served on the selection committee, provided staff, and served as volunteers at camp.

National Virtual Branch Webinar, May 19, 2015.

A 1,000 Voices: Native Women Correct History, Reclaim Their Power, May 10, 2015.

Live Stream Solving the Equation, March 26, 2015 from Samsung in California.

Press Conference, February 9, 2015 in the Rotunda. Linda Hallman, AAUW Executive Director/CEO, on “Pregnancy Accommodations” which is a bill that AAUW-NM is working on with Southwest Women’s Law Center and Interfaith Justice Workers.

Lobby Corps Training, January 11, 2015 Placitas Library
Speakers: Robert (Bob) Pearson is the state legislative coordinator for Amnesty International NM and also the national legislative coordinator for Friends Committee for National Legislation, FCNL, i.e. Quakers.
Dede Feldman, former NM senator and author of “Inside the New Mexico Senate: Boots, Suits, and Citizens“.