Expanding Your Horizons in Northern New Mexico

Albuquerque,   grades 5-9                   Saturday, January 25, 2014,                   University of New Mexico (UNM), main Campus                  
Contacts: bybequiessence@aol.com   and central_EYH-L@list.unm.edu

Attendees: http://www.expandingyourhorizons.org/conferences/Albuquerque/

Volunteers: http://nmnwse.org/ceyh/volunteer.php
Los Alamos,  grades 5-10  March 6, 2014, Santa Fe Convention Center
Contact: jfrigo@lanl.gov

Attendees: http://nmnwse.org/lawis/eyh/registration.shtml

Volunteers: http://nmnwse.org/lawis/eyh/volunteers.shtml

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