Category Archives: Public Policy

Quarterly Meeting is January 31, 2021 at 2 pm

New Mexico Online Branch will meet via Zoom Sunday, January 21, 2021 at 2 pm.
Our guest speaker will be Christine Chandler, 43rd District Representative from
the New Mexico House of Representatives; she represents Los Alamos, Rio Arriba,
Sandoval, and Santa Fe Counties. Christine will give us an update on what’s
happening in the 60 day 2021 session.

New Mexico Elections 2020

League of Women Voters is providing VOTE411 [English] OR VOTE411 [Espanol] information for voters at

Martha Burk is a New Mexico author who has revised her book Voice, Your Vote: 2020–21 Edition: The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Politics, Power, and the Change We Need
Be sure your vote supports your needs.

2 Minute Activist
It only takes two minutes to send emails and texts to your legislators to fight for equal pay, family leave, stopping sexual harassment, equality in education and more. Sign up to get regular alerts to be able to take timely action at the link on the left.

Overview of Congressional Tax Plans Webinar Nov. 21

AAUW Colorado eNetwork is sponsoring an overview of the Tax Plans Webinar presented by the Colorado Fiscal Institute, an Economic Think Tank, on Tuesday, November 21 at 6:30 pm MST. Join the broadcast at or teleconference at 641-715-3580, passcode 863465#
ITEP’s analysis of House Plan, current Senate Proposal, and data on NM available at

Advocacy Workshop December 9

You are invited to learn tips from legislators and a professional lobbyist on how to interact with legislators, speak at hearings, and advocate for your cause Saturday, Dec. 9, 9:30 am to noon, at New Mexico State Capitol, room 322 (enter on East side only). Speakers are Sen. Peter Wirth, D Santa Fe, District 25; Sen. Sander Rue, R Albuquerque, District 23; Jim Jackson, CEO of Disability Rights New Mexico, an independent private non-profit organization aurhorized through federal law to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities.

AAUW-NM 2017 Lobby Corps Training

Lobby Corps Training Saturday, Jan. 7 in Albuquerque, 1-3 pm at La Mesa Presbyterian Church, 7401 Copper Ave. NE, Sen. Sander Rue, R district 23, Bernalillo, will speak. He is a member of the interim Land Grant Committee, Public School Capital Outlay Task Force and Water and Natural Resources Committee.

And in Santa Fe, Sun. Jan. 8, 1-3 pm at the State Capitol (Roundhouse) room 326.
Rep. Stephanie Garcia Richard, D district 43, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval and Santa Fe counties will speak. She is an educator and sits on the House Education Committee and Appropriations and Finance Committee.
Rep. James Smith, R district 22, Bernalillo, Sandoval, and Santa Fe counties will also speak. He chairs the Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee and is a member of the interim Legislative Education Study Committee (LESC).