Category Archives: GOTV

New Mexico Elections 2020

League of Women Voters is providing VOTE411 [English] OR VOTE411 [Espanol] information for voters at

Martha Burk is a New Mexico author who has revised her book Voice, Your Vote: 2020–21 Edition: The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Politics, Power, and the Change We Need
Be sure your vote supports your needs.

2 Minute Activist
It only takes two minutes to send emails and texts to your legislators to fight for equal pay, family leave, stopping sexual harassment, equality in education and more. Sign up to get regular alerts to be able to take timely action at the link on the left.

Watch presidential debates

Presidential Debates September 26, October 9, and October 19 covered on all channels at 7:00PM.

Vice-Presidential Debate October 4.

Play bingo with us. There were only 2 winners October 9!

AAUW’s GOTV Skills Training

Voter Registration, It’s My Vote Training Part I, August 31, 2016, 7-8 pm ET
National Voter Registration Day is September 27, plan a voter registration drive.

Voter Education, It’s My Vote Traing Part Ii, September 28, 2016, 7-8 pm ET
How to host candidate forums, attend town halls, make use of voting guides, and bird dog candidates to encourage women to exercise their right to vote.

Turning Out the Vote on Election Day: It’s My Vote Training Part III, October 18, 2016, 7-8 pm ET

Crucial actions necessary to turning out voters on Election Day.

Celebrate Women’s Equality Day August 26

Celebrate Women’s Equality Day August 26, 2016 at Albuquerque Civic Plaza 11 am to 1 pm celebrating the 96th Anniversary of 19th Amendment giving women the power to vote. This is a Get Out the Vote event. Get registered and vote in November.

Election 2014 Sam Donaldson Moderates NM Congressional Debates

Beginning Oct. 9 at 7 p.m., PBS stations KNME, Ch.5.1 (Albuquerque/Santa Fe), KENW, Ch.3 (Portales) KRWG, Ch.22 (Las Cruces) along with public radio stations KANW (89.1 FM) and KUNM (89.9 FM) will be simulcasting all Congressional District Debates.

For more information on the simulcast visit:


As you view the debates, complete the Election 2014 aauwnmcongressdebatecard